Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Steps how to make a simple and delicious PB & J sandwich!

Step one *materials: Get 2 pieces of any type of bread, a butter knife, peanut butter, your favorite kind of jelly.
Step two: Lay your 2 pieces of bread flat and side by side.
Step three: Open up your peanut butter jar.
Step four: Open up your jelly jar.
Step five: Take your butter knife and scoop out some peanut butter onto the first piece of bread.
Step six: Next take your butter knife again and scoop some of your jelly onto the second piece of bread.
Step seven: With the butter knife spread the peanut butter that is already on the bread so that it covers most of the bread with a thin or thick layer (depending on what you want).
Step eight: Again, with the butter knife spread the jelly that is already on the bread so that it covers most of the bread with a thin or thick layer (depending on what you want).
Step nine : Now take the 2 pieces of bread and put the bread together, but make sure you put the peanut butter and jelly on the inside of your sandwich.
Step ten : Now you can eat and enjoy your sandwich!